Central Families! Mrs. Zeil is looking forward to seeing you at Game Night this Thursday.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Game Night Thursday!
Attention Vulcan families! Be on the lookout this week for important information about our upcoming February Intersession and our after-school Vassar Fun and Fit program! Spots are limited, so don't wait!
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
How were the bond proposal projects identified? As part of the Vassar Strategic Planning Process, school administrators obtained input from community members, parents, and staff to identify potential district-wide facility improvements for a 2024 no-tax-rate increase bond proposal. Using a computerized platform called, Thought Exchange, participants shared their ideas for facility updates. Projects not included as part of the last bond proposal were also considered. The Vassar Public Schools’ administrative team, along with engineers, construction managers, and architects, reviewed the suggested projects from the community, and the final project list was completed.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
kid at a desk thinking with a pencil pressed to her face. Magnifying glass with orange V
Good Evening Vulcan Families just a reminder that school resumes Monday! Make sure your students get to bed early and are on time. We can't wait to welcome students and staff back!
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
snowman with green hat and scarf on snow hill. Words Winter Break is over written in black.
Can any of the bond proposal funds be used for employee salaries or operating expenses? No. Bond proposal funds cannot be used for employee salaries. They also cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs or other operating expenses. Bond proposal funds must be used only for purposes specified in the ballot language, and as required by state law, they must be independently audited.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
apple on a desk with two people standing by it. Apple has black writing that says Can this be used for employee salaries?
Vassar Public Schools would like to congratulate Ms. Dorothy Blackwell on her retirement! While searching for a candidate to continue leading Vassar Public Schools, Erin Raymond, 6-12 Principal, will be placed as Interim Superintendent. Congratulations to Ms. Blackwell- thank you for everything you have done for the Vassar School District.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Retirement red flowers
What can bond proposal revenue be used for? • Bonds can be used for: • Constructing additions to existing school buildings • Remodeling existing school buildings • Energy conservation improvements • Site development and improvements • Athletic and physical education facility development and improvements • Playground development and improvements • School bus purchases • Purchasing loose furnishings and equipment (including administrative technology) • Direct bond program costs, such as professional fees, election fees, issuance costs, qualification fees, insurance fees, and final audit costs • Technology purchases are limited to hardware and communication devices that transmit, receive, or compute information for pupil instructional purposes only. The initial purchase of an operating system and customized application software is allowed if purchased with the initial hardware.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
white letters that says What can this be used for?
What is a bond? A bond is a state-approved funding process for an identified list of projects. When voters approve a bond proposal, the school district sells bonds in the authorized amount and uses the bond sale proceeds to pay for the bond proposal projects. Bonds are typically paid back in 20-30 years. In many ways, the bonding process is like a homeowner refinancing their home and making payments over a period of years. The Vassar Public Schools no-tax-rate increase bond proposal length is 22 years.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
kid holding up hands with the word what in orange and is a bond in black below
The second proposal on the February 27th ballot seeks voter approval to renew and restore the ten-year, 18-mill non-homestead millage proposal originally approved by voters after the passage of Proposal A in 1994. To restore the full 18 mills, the proposal calls for renewing the current 17.8212 mills and adding an additional .5 mills. The additional .3312 mills will only be levied if the 18 mills are reduced due to the Headlee Amendment and fall below the maximum amount allowable of 18 mills. All school districts in the State of Michigan are required to levy 18 mills on non-homestead property to receive their full foundation allowance.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Child holding up 2 fingers The Second Proposal
Are you joining us tomorrow for soup with the Sup? This is a great chance to learn more about the No-Tax-Rate Increase Bond Proposal and the Non-Homestead Millage Proposal in the February 27, 2024 election. Learn more about the bond, tour the building, and ask questions about the proposals. We hope to see you soon Be sure to join us tomorrow, December 28, from 4 pm to 7 pm at Central Elementary!
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
The first proposal on the February 27th ballot is a $6.1 million no-tax-rate increase bond proposal designed to address Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) safety requirements, install vape detection sensors, update the learning environment, update instructional technology, replace parking lots and concrete, upgrade playgrounds, replace HVAC equipment and improve ventilation, purchase buses, improve athletic spaces and purchase athletic equipment, make interior/exterior infrastructure improvements, such as roofs, adding electronic signs, and replacing boilers.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
black background with chalk writing saying 1st
When is the election? The election will be held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. The polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Absentee ballots will be available after January 18, and can be cast through Election Day.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
orange black ground with calendar. Show Feb 27 circled in Green for election day
Vassar Public Schools has placed two proposals on the February 27, 2024 ballot. To see a list of frequently asked questions, visit the following link https://5il.co/2ax05
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Orange back ground with black lettering Vassar Public Schools
We are a week away from soup with the Sup! Be sure to join us on Thursday, December 28, from 4 pm to 7 pm at Central Elementary for your chance to learn more about the No-Tax-Rate Increase Bond Proposal and the Non-Homestead Millage Proposal in the February 27, 2024 election. Learn more about the bond, take a tour of the building, and ask us questions about the proposals. We hope to see you soon!
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
The students and staff at Vassar Public Schools wish everyone a safe and happy winter break. We look forward to seeing students when school resumes on Monday, January 8!
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
blue background with kids playing in snow lettering that reads Ready set Winter Break
Hey Vulcans! The Board of Education has approved the two bond proposals for the February 27, 2024 Election, and we want to talk to you about it! Join us at the following events to learn more about the No-Tax-Rate Increase Bond Proposal and the Non-Homestead Millage Proposal. Take a tour of the building, and ask us questions about the proposals: Thursday, December 28, from 4 pm- 7 pm at Central Elementary for Soup with the Sup Wednesday, January 10, from 5:30-8 pm at Townsend North for Cookies with Dot Tuesday, February 13, from 4:30-6 pm in the 6-12 Auditorium for a Townhall Meeting.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
More great news from Vassar MS and High School Robotics! Congratulations to our Middle School Robotics team, who wrote a grant to the Tuscola County Community Foundation. Last night, team members and Mr. Tallman were presented with a check for $2500. The funds will allow the program to buy additional supplies. As you may remember, high school robotics members Nick Tallman and Victoria DeKilata traveled to Dallas, Texas, to compete in the Bell AVR World Championship last week. The Flying Delorean team, comprised of members from Vassar, Lansing, and Hasslett, faced some connectivity issues during the competition but had a great showing when they placed 9th out of 14 teams. We are proud of our Vulcans for making it to the World Championship, but most of all, we are proud of how they behaved and represented our school and community.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
MS Robotics team members received a $2500 check from Tuscola Community Foundation
Victoria DeKalita, Mr. Andy Tallman, and Nick Tallman at the World Championships in Dalas Texas
Members of the Flying Delorian Team
Vassar Public Schools would like to thank Dennis Miller from Farm Bureau Insurance Agency and McLaren CaroRegion who each generously donated AEDs to the district. We look forward to utilizing these devices at our athletic events.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Cameron Bussell and Brett McConnell hold the AED donated by McLaren
Gavin Martin holds the AED donated by Dennis Miller with Farm Bureau Insurance
Good Luck to Junior Victoria Dekalita and Senior Nick Tallman, who will travel to Dallas, Texas, to compete in the Bell AVR World Championship this weekend. The pair will team up with students from Haslett and Lansing and compete under the Flying Delorean name.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Victoria Dekalita, Mr. Andy Tallman, and Nick Tallman infront of the Robotics showcase prior to leaving for World Championship.
Mark your calendars - someone special is coming to town... The Grinch! Join Officer Hammill, Central Shop Rite, and the Thumb Area Mud Runners as they try to grow the Grinch's heart three sizes on December 9 for the Stuff a Cruiser event. This is a great opportunity for local kids to meet the Grinch, decorate a cookie, do a craft, and help families in need.
about 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Central Shop Rite Holly Jolly Christmas and Toy Drive Flier