Upgrading technology
• Installing Wi-Fi for the bus parking lot
Purchasing furniture and equipment
• Purchasing two buses
Hello Vulcans! Tomorrow Thursday, January 25, will be half days for all students. Students will have an early dismissal and there will be no Tech Center.
Improving the facility infrastructure
• Adding stair handrails in the auditorium to address safety issues
• Adding storage closets to support the drama program
• Adding a vape detection system in restrooms
Updating mechanical and electrical systems
• Improving ventilation in the locker rooms
• Replacing the boiler to improve heating
• Replacing HVAC systems in the weight room, gym, and cafeteria and adding air conditioning
• Replacing HVAC controls to integrate the variable refrigerant flow (VRF) to create individual cooling and heating zones
• Adding a generator to support food coolers and freezers during power outages
Improving facility sites/exterior improvements
• Replacing the baseball/softball scoreboards with an energy-efficient LED system
• Updating the softball/baseball bleachers to replace the wood bleachers that are deteriorating
• Replacing lighting at the football stadium to provide better illumination
• Replacing an electronic sign at the front of the building for school announcements
• Replacing football scoreboard with an energy-efficient LED system
Purchasing furniture and equipment
• Installing a multi-use display to improve viewing at school events
• Adding storage units for educational/classroom instructional materials
• Replacing broken weight room equipment that is used by gym classes and sports teams
• Replacing wrestling mats with roll-up mats for easier storage
Upgrading technology
• Installing innovative touch screens to support the educational and athletic program
• Updating Wi-Fi/technology at athletic fields
• Installing a portable, remote network cameras to support live streaming at events
Hello Vulcans. Thursday, January 25, will be a half day for all students. Sixth through twelfth-grade students will take exams in fifth, sixth, and seventh hours on Thursday. There is no tech center on Thursday. On Friday, January 26, there will be no school for all students. Monday, January 29, will now be a half day for all students. Sixth through twelfth-grade students will take exams in first, second, and third hours on Monday, and there will be no tech center that day. Stay warm, Vulcans!
Good Evening Vulcans! Due to potentially dangerous driving conditions, Vassar Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 24, 2024. Decisions about sporting events and extracurriculars will be made around 1 pm tomorrow. Due to the closure, Vassar Public Schools will now have a half day on Monday, January 29 to accommodate the 6-12 exam schedule. Students will still have a half day on Thursday of this week and no school on Friday. Stay warm and stay safe Vulcans!
Hello Vulcans! Wednesday, January 24, and Thursday, January 25, will be half days for students. There will be no Tech Center. Remember there is no school for students on Friday, January 26, because it is a Teacher Work Day.
Attendance makeups for grades 6-12 have been rescheduled for Wednesday and Thursday before and after school from 6:45-7:45 and 12:15-1:15.
Students will have a half day on Wednesday and Thursday due to exams and no school on Friday. 1st - 3rd-hour exams will take place Wednesday and 5th - 7th Thursday. Written exams scheduled for today (Science, Math, and Fine Arts) will be rescheduled for Monday, January 29.
Updating mechanical and electrical system
• Replacing HVAC systems in the gym and cafeteria and adding air conditioning
• Replacing HVAC controls to integrate the variable refrigerant flow (VRF) to create individual
• cooling and heating zones
• Adding a generator to support food coolers and freezers during power outages
Improving facility sites/exterior improvements
• Resurfacing the walking path that students use to walk safely around the building and for
• exercise during recess, PE class, and before and after school programs
• Adding new bleachers to replace the wood bleachers that are deteriorating
• Adding an electronic sign to the front of the building for school announcements
• Replacing the service drive to update the crumbling surface
Purchasing furniture and equipment
• Adding storage units for educational/classroom instructional materials
Due to potentially dangerous driving conditions, Vassar Public Schools will be closed today, Tuesday, January 23, 2024. Decisions about sporting events and extracurriculars will be made around 1pm. Attendance makeup for the 6-12 building will be rescheduled. Exams will take place tomorrow as planned. Stay safe, Vulcans!
We love our bus drivers! Today, some drivers had fun making snow angels after their morning bus runs. Thank you for ensuring our students get to and from school safely and bringing smiles to so many.
Improving the facility infrastructure
• Replacing the 20-year-old roof
Updating mechanical and electrical systems
• Replacing HVAC systems in the gym and cafeteria and adding air conditioning
• Replacing HVAC controls to regulate heat and air in classrooms
• Adding a generator to support food coolers and freezers during power outages
Improving facility sites/exterior improvements
• Adding an electronic sign to the front of the building for announcements
• Upgrading the playground
• Replacing the service drive to update the deteriorating surface
Purchasing furniture and equipment
• Adding storage units for educational/classroom instructional materials
What will happen if voters do not approve the bond proposal?
The bond projects cannot be completed as proposed. If necessary, emergency repairs or updates will come out of the operating budget, taking away funds from the student educational program.
Why is the purchase of buses included in the bond proposal?
Purchasing school buses through the bond proposal relieves pressure on the general fund operating budget. It also ensures that the Vassar Public Schools’ bus fleet will be systematically upgraded as buses reach the end of their useful life. Two school buses will be purchased with the bond proposal revenue which will reduce the number of school buses leased by the school district.
6-12 Families! We will have a few opportunities for attendance make-up, as we finish Semester 1. January 17-19 and January 22 and 23 from 6:45 am-7:45 am and 12:15 pm-1:15 pm. If you have 10 absences in any hour, you are eligible to participate to reduce your absence count to 9 for that class. If you end the semester with 10 or more absences, you will not receive a passing grade for the class, per the District Handbook. Transportation will not be provided.
Due to icy road conditions and extremely low temperatures, Vassar Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, January 15. Stay warm and safe, Vulcans.
The School of Choice window for Vassar Public Schools' second semester officially opens on Monday! School of Choice applications will be accepted until January 26 for students in grades 2, and 5-12. At this time the district is not accepting school of choice students in grades K, 1, 3, or 4. If you know a student who lives outside of the Vassar district who would like to be a part of one of our amazing schools don't wait, have them contact Stacy in the Superintendent’s office today at 989-823-8535 option 1.
How can approval of the bond proposal not raise the current tax rate?
Vassar Public Schools will extend its debt for the entirety of the bond, which will not require any tax rate increase to complete the projects.
We know our students and staff love snow days as the season finally has decided to show up we want to remind everyone of the district's snow day procedures.
As soon as a snow day is declared, the district will send a robocall, text message, and post closures on our website, App, and Facebook pages. We will also notify the following TV and radio stations: TV5, TV 12, TV 25, Fox 66, 98 FM, 102.5 FM, 93.3 FM, 104.5 FM, and 96.1 FM.
The district will not decide on after-school activities until roughly 1 pm on a snow day. We want to ensure that we provide every opportunity for after-school activities to continue as scheduled if it is safe. Pushing this announcement to later in the day allows road crews to address road conditions and the district to re-evaluate road conditions.
Middle School Athletic practices have been canceled for this evening. High School Athletic practices will continue as scheduled. Attendance is optional; athletes should contact their coaches for practice details. Play additions will still occur in the High School Auditorium from 6 pm to 8 pm.
District buildings will not be open to walkers this evening.
Who reviews bond proposal projects before they are placed on the ballot?
Bond Proposal projects must be reviewed and approved by the Michigan Department of Treasury. All renovations and upgrades must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Bond revenue and expenditures must be independently audited annually to ensure compliance with legal regulations.