Welcome Back Vulcans! Tomorrow Monday, August 14 is the first day of school! Students will have a half day. Central students will be dismissed at 12:05 and 6-12 students will be dismissed at 12:10
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
back of yellow school bus with a word bubble that says welcome back to school
With school right around the corner... Think before you share: back-to-school photos. Back-to-school photos often reveal personal information about your child. School name, grade, age, identifying features, etc.- these can all be used by predators and scammers. Regardless of your privacy settings or friends, remember it is best to keep personal information to a minimum.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Officer Hammill first day of school photo
We had an amazing time at our District Open House on Tuesday.!Thank you to our Vulcan families and community members who took time out of their day to join us. We were blown away to see so many of you. A special thank you to Vassar Fun & Fit (Bluewater for Christ) for hosting a fun area for Central students and providing the Pit bbq.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Some of the Vassar fun and fit staff and their kids with The Pit food truck
SRO Officer Hammill in the dunk tank
Kona Ice, hot dogs, and chips were available for all families
This week is the last week to turn in your School of Choice applications for the fall 23-24 school year! School of Choice applications are being accepted until August 11 for students in grades K-12. If you know a student outside the Vassar district who would like to attend one of our great schools, please contact Stacy in the Superintendent’s office at 989-823-8535 option 1 before it's too late!
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
stacked books with apple on top.. Black background with white letters that read School of Choice Last Chance! Apply Now!
ATTENTION K-8 families! We know you are starting to buy school supplies for the coming up year-- here is a list created by our staff once more to ensure you have items your student will need. You can find these lists and more on your school's page of our website under documents.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
6-8 grade supply list
K-5 supply list page 1
K-5 supply list page 2
School of Choice applications are being accepted until August 11. Don't wait, become a part of our Vulcan Family today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxdPh4newXU
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Tell your friend and family the School of Choice window for Vassar Schools is now open! School of Choice applications are being accepted until August 11 for students in grades K-12. If you know a student outside the Vassar district who would like to attend one of our great schools, please get in touch with Stacy in the Superintendent’s office at 989-823-8535 option 1.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
yellow block letters with blue outline that reads School of Choice 2023-2024
Hey Vulcans! The 2023-2024 school year is just around the corner. Join us for the district open house on Tuesday, August 8 from 5:30-7:30. See the flier below for more information.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
District Open house flier- talks about meeting teachers, getting schedules, touring schools and much more!
Tomorrow, Monday, July 17, 2023, we welcome our summer school students back for session two! We hope you have enjoyed your time off!
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
white paper in a spiral notebook with block assorted pastal colored letters that read Summer School. It sits on a desk with a stapler, pencil, sisors, calculator, erasesr , highlighters, stencils, and an ink pen
Thank you to everyone who shared their input when we sent out a thought exchange asking, "What are some things you would most like to see in our facilities to support the success of our students?" We had a number of participants who provided us with great insight. The administration has gathered and reviewed all of your feedback. Please read the attached letter from Superintendent Blackwell for the latest update!
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
July 14 proposed bond letter updated page 1
July 14 proposed bond letter updated page 2
Thank you to those who participated in the thought exchange the district shared last month! We received great feedback from our Vulcan Community. Please look at the attached letter from Superintendent Blackwell, where she provides information from that thought exchange and more information on the no-tax-rate increase bond proposal and a non-homestead operating bond proposal.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
letter from Superintendent in regards to proposed bonds page 1
letter from Superintendent in regards to proposed bonds page 2
On June 14, the Board of Education approved a new five-year Strategic Plan, which sets goals and creates a master plan for the district's future. This year-long process involved students, staff, families, community, and Board of Education members. Vassar Public Schools is proud to present the new Strategic Plan to our community and school families.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
final strategic plan 23-28
Attention, Summer School Families! As a reminder, the second summer school session will start on Monday, July 17, 2023! There is no summer school this week, July 10- 14, so our staff can enjoy time with their families and friends.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
Remember the Meet Up and Eat Up summer feeding program is still taking place for children 0-18 and all special needs children 0-26! Join us weekdays July 10 thru July 29 at Central Elementary, where our food service program will provide breakfast and lunch free of charge. We will be closed July 3 -7 in observance of the holiday. Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:15, while lunch will be served from 11:30-12:30. Daycares, students, and non-district students may all participate but must eat on the premises.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
purple baclground with yellow plate and blue silverware. Text that reads Free Meals for Kids and Teens 0-18
Tell your friend and family the School of Choice window for Vassar Schools is now open! School of Choice applications are being accepted until August 11 for students in grades K-12. If you know a student outside the Vassar district who would like to attend one of our great schools, please get in touch with Stacy in the Superintendent’s office at 989-823-8535 option 1.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
white back ground with yellow block letters with blue outline that reads School of Choice 2023-2024
Hey Vassar students, parents, community members, and staff! Have you participated in the ThoughtExchange the district shared earlier this week asking: What are some things you would most like to see in our facilities in order to support the success of our students? If not you still have time. This exchange will be open until 11:59PM on June 30! We invite you to join the Exchange and help prioritize key areas by sharing and rating more thoughts through the link below. If you've already been a part of the conversation be sure to come back and rate more thoughts to help us find priority areas. https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/472043485
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
teal background with 4 wood carved colored pencils in the left corner. orange paing through middle withwhite letters that say We're Looking for your input!
Read the attached letter from Superintendent Dorothy Blackwell! Vassar parents, staff, community, businesses, and students we need your input "What are some things you would most like to see in our facilities to support the success of our students?". To gather your feedback, we're using a tool called ThoughtExchange. All of our voices matter, so your participation is crucial and valued. Click here to participate: https://tejoin.com/scroll/472043485 You'll be asked to respond to one open-ended question, consider and assign stars to some of the ideas shared by others (20 to 30 is ideal), and learn what's important to the group. Your thoughts and stars are confidential. You can come back as often as you'd like to participate, and, in fact, we ask that you do come back to star some of the new ideas shared since you first participated. We will send reminder information over then next few weeks. Ratings are important as they will help us understand the most important areas to focus on! Thank you in advance for your help and input.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
a letter about upcoming bond page 1
a letter about upcoming bond page 2
Thank you for another great year, Vulcans! Everyone at Vassar Public Schools wishes you a safe and fun summer! Make memories with your friends and family. Get outside, read books, and keep learning! We can't wait to hear about your adventures when you return on August 14!
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
little girl with extra large sunglasses looking into the sky and sun. White frame with white words that say: Schools out for summer.
The last bell is about to ring but as our school year ends we want to take a minute to recognize some faces that are well known within the district: Mr. Corey Holland, Mrs. Ann Auernhamer, Mrs. Carla Phillips, Mrs. Tessa King. These four individuals have a combined 113 years of service to the Vassar Public School District! They have touched the lives of countless students, community members, and staff . Thank you for dedicating such a large portion of your life to being Vulcans and shaping young minds - Enjoy your Retirement!
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
beach picture with water and sand. sail boat in water chair, table with drink, beach ball in sand with the following saying: As you fo into this next phase of your life, may you enjoy the very best that life has to offer.
Good Evening Vulcans! Friday, June 16, will be students' last day of school. Students will have a half day with an early dismissal on Thursday and Friday.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Esterline
kitten jumping in a field of flowers that says in white writting Summer Break its in sight