Vulcans! District wide face-to-face learning will return on Monday, April 19. Please see the letter on the district Facebook page or the school website for important information regarding this decision from Superintendent Blackwell.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
COVID-19 Letter 4-16-21
Well Seniors, this is getting real!  If you ordered a cap & gown they have arrived!  You may pick them up in the 6-12 Office until 3:00 today or feel free to get them next week!  If you have any questions, call Mrs. Kukulski at 989-823-8534 ext. 1.
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Legue
Cap & Gown
Attention students and staff: If you have tested positive for COVID-19, have been contacted by the Health Department or notified by a person who has tested positive that you are a close contact and need to quarantine, or you or a family member are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 including those similar to seasonal allergies and have not already contacted the Superintendent's office please do so as soon as possible by calling 989-823-8535 option 1.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
Please see the important information below from the Tuscola County Health Department.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
Symptoms COVID vs. Allergy symptoms chart
VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ONLINE AND VIRTUAL LEARNERS! Please read the attached letter regarding online and virtual learning completion,  
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Legue
Online/Virtual Learners Letter
Covid vaccines available 16, 17 and 18 year olds!  This information was originally put out to Seniors, but SVSU has opened it up to 16 & up!  Please read the important information below from SVSU, this information is being passed on to you as a courtesy, it is not mandatory, but is available to you if you are interested.   Saginaw Valley State University will host vaccination clinics on campus in partnership with Meijer Pharmacy where high school students16 & Up in the Great Lakes Bay Region will be eligible to receive the vaccine. Meijer Pharmacy will be administering the Pfizer vaccine on campus April 19th, 21st, and 23rd, tentatively scheduled for 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Pfizer vaccine requires two doses for a completed series, with 21 days between the first and second shot. Accordingly, second doses of the vaccine will be administered May 10th, 12th, and 14th. Two weeks after receiving their second dose, students will have maximum protection. Good news indeed!  On behalf of the College of Education at SVSU and in recognition of your partnership with us, I am inviting all students 16 & up in your school district to participate in the vaccine clinics hosted by SVSU. In order to be vaccinated, minors will need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Please mark your calendars! For immediate questions, please contact Sue Brasseur (, 989-225-5253) or Rob Vallentine (, 989-948-5648). Through vaccinations and ongoing adherence to public health protocols, together we are going to turn the corner on this dangerous virus and renew hope for a safer (and more normal) school environment for all. 
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Legue
Congratulations to our newest Vassar Virtual graduate Brooklyn Kienitz! Brooklyn we are very proud of you and your accomplishment and can't wait to see where your future will lead you!
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Legue
Brooklyn Kienitz
Good Evening Vulcans! All Vassar Public School families are encouraged to join us for food pick up tomorrow Monday, April 12 from 3:30 to 5:30 at the 6-12 flagpole. Each student will receive 7 days of breakfast and lunch.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
If you are a Tech Center or Starz student, please see letter below from the Tuscola Technology Center. TTC will be virtual for the week of April 12-16. We will reassess in a week to see when we will return to face-to-face. Our instructors will reach out to their students via the platforms they used during the November-December pause. Students must log into their virtual classrooms at 8:35 am for the Morning Session and 12:00 pm for the Afternoon Session. Attendance is mandatory and will count toward absences and all work will count toward credit for the course. If you have any questions, let me know. -- Todd Laventure Principal/CTE Director/CEPD Director Tuscola Technology Center (989) 673-5300 ext. 30305
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Legue
Please see the letter from the Superintendents Office
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
covid letter
covid letter
covid letter
Good Afternoon Vulcan families. Vassar Public Schools will continue district wide remote learning Monday, April 12 through Friday, April 16. Please review proper Chromebook protocols with your children. See the letter on the district website for more information.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
Attention students and staff: If you have tested positive for COVID-19, have been contacted by the Health Department or notified by a person who has tested positive that you are a close contact and need to quarantine, or you or a family member are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 including those similar to seasonal allergies contact the Superintendent's office at 989-823-8535 option 1 immediately.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
Covid vaccines available to Class of 2021!  Please read the important information below from SVSU, this information is being passed on to you as a courtesy, it is not mandatory, but is available to you if you are interested.   Class of 2021,  Without question, events of this past year have been astonishing. In the context of a global pandemic, all aspects of our society have been upended, including profound disruptions to the education sector that forced us to reimagine teaching and learning. Students of all ages have experienced so much loss brought on by the move to remote learning, cancellations of athletic and academic competitions, and so on. For more than a year, students have largely sacrificed traditional school experiences that are engrained in our society, and arguably no cohort of students has sacrificed more than the Class of 2021. But there is good news for these high school seniors!  Saginaw Valley State University will host vaccination clinics on campus in partnership with Meijer Pharmacy where high school students from the Class of 2021 in the Great Lakes Bay Region will be eligible to receive the vaccine. Meijer Pharmacy will be administering the Pfizer vaccine on campus April 19th, 21st, and 23rd, tentatively scheduled for 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Pfizer vaccine requires two doses for a completed series, with 21 days between the first and second shot. Accordingly, second doses of the vaccine will be administered May 10th, 12th, and 14th. Two weeks after receiving their second dose, students from the Class of 2021 will have maximum protection in time for commencement exercises in your school district. Good news indeed!  On behalf of the College of Education at SVSU and in recognition of your partnership with us, I am inviting all high school seniors in your school district to participate in the vaccine clinics hosted by SVSU. In order to be vaccinated, minors (i.e. those not 18 years of age by the April clinic dates) will need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Please mark your calendars and alert students of the Class of 2021 about these events. Details of the vaccination clinics are being worked out and you likely have questions about what is planned. To that end, we have scheduled a virtual Q&A session on Wednesday, April 7th, at 3:30 p.m. Note that registration for this meeting is required. For those unable to attend, the meeting will be recorded. Here is the link: You are invited to a Zoom meeting.  When: Apr 7, 2021 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)  Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. For immediate questions, please contact Sue Brasseur (, 989-225-5253) or Rob Vallentine (, 989-948-5648). Through vaccinations and ongoing adherence to public health protocols, together we are going to turn the corner on this dangerous virus and renew hope for a safer (and more normal) school environment for all. 
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Legue
Covid vaccines available to 16 and 17 year olds!  Please read the important information attached from the Tuscola Health Department.  This information is being passed on to you as a courtesy, it is not mandatory, but is available if you are interested.  
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Legue
16-17 year old vaccine clinic
Food distribution will be available for all Vassar students tomorrow, April 7 at the High School flag pole from 12:30-2:30. Students will receive 7 days of breakfast and lunch.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
Picture Day has been rescheduled for Monday, May 3! More information will be provided at a later date.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
smile fore the camera clip art
Good Evening Vulcan families. Vassar Public Schools grades K-12 will begin remote learning tomorrow Tuesday, April 6, 2021 through Friday, April 9. Chromebooks were sent home with students. Please review proper Chromebook protocols with your children.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
Please see the attached letter from Superintendent Dorothy Blackwell in regards to virtual learning.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline
COVID-19 letter 4.5.21
Vassar Vulcans! It is time to come back to school. If your child is sick or have symptoms like, fever, cough, fatigue, please keep your child home. Contact your school office to let them know your child is sick and staying home. Please help us follow our COVID-19 protocols to keep everyone safe.
almost 4 years ago, Dot Blackwell
Good Evening Vulcan families. The rhino bus will be starting back up on Monday, April 5th students should be ready at their usual times.
almost 4 years ago, Stacy Esterline