Upcoming conference March 9th, mark your calendar parents!
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
identifying dangers
Vassar Community School Tour! We welcome all parents, past graduates, community members and taxpayers to come to see the changes that have been made to the 6-12 high school building and classrooms due to the passing of the bond in 2019! Tours of the 6-12 Building will take place on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 10:30 am, 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Please register with Andrea Legue in the 6-12 Office (989) 823-8534 ext. 2
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
school tour
Looking for extra tax help? Here's a resource that could help!
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
tax help
Hey Vulcans! It's Winter Intersession- there will be no school for students or staff February 13-17. Parents if you signed your student up to attend intersession make sure your students are on time. If you have any questions please contact your child's school office. Reminder Tech Center students are required to attend tech center, please be sure you are on time to catch the bus.
almost 2 years ago, Stacy Esterline
blue background with white snowflakes and Dark blue words that say winter intersession
Hey Vulcans! Next week is our Winter Intersession- there will be no school for students or staff. Parents if you signed your student up to attend intersession make sure your students are on time. If you have any questions please contact your child's school office. Reminder Tech Center students are required to attend tech center, please be sure you are on time to catch the bus.
almost 2 years ago, Stacy Esterline
blue and green background that says Winter Intersession
Vulcans, we have a double bus run for the Elephant bus this afternoon Friday, February 10. Students riding the Elephant bus will be dropped off later than normal. Sorry for the late notice.
almost 2 years ago, Stacy Esterline
Tomorrow, Friday, February 10, will be a half day for students due to Teacher Professional Development in the afternoon. This means there will be no after-school fun and fit program.
about 2 years ago, Stacy Esterline
chalkboard that says Half Day with a chalk drawing of a little girl and little boy.
Check out this week's Vulcan View! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN_ZZ-NDooE
about 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
Vassar Community School Tour!  We welcome all parents, past graduates, community members and taxpayers to come to see the changes that have been made to the 6-12 high school building and classrooms due to the passing of the bond in 2019!  Tours of the 6-12 Building will take place on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 10:30 am, 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm.  Please register with Andrea Legue in the 6-12 Office (989) 823-8534 ext. 2
about 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
school tour
Attention Parents, Community Members, and Past Graduates! Join us for a tour on Thursday, Feb. 16!
about 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
school tour
We still have some openings if you are interested in participating in Family Art Night this Thursday, Feb. 9 @ 6:00pm!  Bring your child or children and create a work of art with them!  There are only 30 spots available so call to register today!  989-823-8534 ext. 2
about 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
family art night
6-12 Families! It's time to pre-order your 2022-2023 yearbook. Please visit ybpay.com and enter code 13043123. Yearbooks are $45 and does include grades 6-12. The order deadline is June 2. If you have any questions, please email spiazza@vassar.k12.mi.us
about 2 years ago, Stacy Esterline
polaroid pictures that say yearbook in blue bubble letters
Vulcans, we have a double bus run for the LION bus on Tuesday, February 7, in the afternoon. Students will be dropped off later than normal. Sorry for the inconvenience.
about 2 years ago, Dot Blackwell
Family Art Night will be held on Thursday, Feb. 9 at 6:00 pm.  Bring your child or children to create a masterpiece to be treasured for years!  Class will be taught by local artist Makenzie Clouse and will be held in the 6-12 art room.  This class is free of charge and is sponsored by a donation from the Vassar Rotary.  There are only 30 slots available, so register today by calling Andrea Legue in the 6-12 Office (989) 823-8534 ext. 2
about 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
family art night
Vassar Community School Tour!  We welcome all parents, past graduates, community members and taxpayers to come to see the changes that have been made to the 6-12 high school building and classrooms due to the passing of the bond in 2019!  Tours of the 6-12 Building will take place on Thursday, Feb. 16 at 10:30 am, 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm.  Please register with Andrea Legue in the 6-12 Office (989) 823-8534 ext. 2
about 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
school tour
Check out this week's Vulcan View! https://youtu.be/R72RSAfSn54
about 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
Attention middle school parents: Mrs. Piazza is looking for pictures for the yearbook for the following sports: 8th Grade GIRLS basketball 7th Grade BOYS basketball 7th Grade GIRLS basketball Middle School wrestling If you have any, please email them to spiazza@vassar.k12.mi.us - thank you!
about 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
Tech Center Students! There will be no Tech Center tomorrow Wednesday, February 1 due to the 10th grade field trips.
about 2 years ago, Stacy Esterline
Attention parents of 6th-12th grade students. After-school tutoring will be held 5 days per week, starting Wednesday (1/31/23). Tutoring will be from 3:15-4:15 in the Media Center. However, if you need transportation, the bus will now be picking up at 5:00, rather than 4:15, along with our after-school program. If your child plans to attend tutoring regularly and needs transportation, please speak with Mr. Nesbitt about participating in the additional after-school activities, you can call the 6-12 Office if you are interested in the after-school program after tutoring. If you have transportation, please arrange to pick up your child at 4:15.
about 2 years ago, Andrea Legue
Good Evening Vulcans! Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 31, is a half day for all students; there will be no tech center. Don't forget its also spirit week! Tomorrow: Central students wear your Tie Dye 6-12 dress in your best Country vs. Country Club attire
about 2 years ago, Stacy Esterline