Our resident Bee Expert, Nurse Greer taught all of our 6th graders about being a bee keeper! They learned how bees are very important to our global food supply. Now that we know, we can inform others about the importance of bees!
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Join us to receive guidance and get questions answered regarding financial aid and post-secondary planning! A Michigan Financial Aid representative will speak with 12th grade students about their options individually during school on October 17th and 18th, and is holding a presentation open to parents of 11th and 12th grade students on October 17th from 6-7:30 in the high school media center.
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Financial Aid
Congratulations to the following art students: Zayne Rushford (7th), Rayne Dailey (7th), Pax Hagadorn (8th), Aubrey Parker (8th), Krystina Velasco (12th), Logan Forsyth (12th) and Zack Meade (9th). These students had work chosen to be displayed at Frankenmuth Credit Union. Their work will be on display for one month at the FCU branch next to Dragon Palace. Great job, artists!
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Here are two fun things being offered at the Bullard Sanford Memorial Library for families!
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Library event
Library event
Vassar Public Schools received money from the ARP MV Homeless Grant. With this grant, we were able to purchase two clothes washers and dryers, one set at the 6-12 School and one set at Central. School Supplies, non-perishable food, household items, hygiene products, and clothes/winter gear were also purchased to help our students who are struggling with housing transitions. All these supplies were split between our two schools. This grant also supplied VPS with money for Camp Hartley and the Washington DC trip. Great things are happening at Vassar Public Schools!
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Yesterday in Mrs. Loveland's 8th-grade science class, they learned about the Earth, Sun, and Moon's interactions. The students used a globe beach ball to represent the Earth, a black beach ball with a face on it to represent the moon and a flashlight to represent the sun. The students worked in groups to demonstrate their understanding of rotation, revolution and the reasons for the seasons. They did a great job with their demonstrations and had a little fun playing with the beach balls.
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
We are so excited to have our first Fundraiser of the year for Central Elementary. These funds will be used to provide activities and events to enrich our students' learning. Please share with Friends and Family. Go Vulcans!
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Central fundraiser
We are still accepting applications for an Elementary Principal. The deadline to apply is 3 o'clock this Friday. If you know someone who would be a great fit for our district please share the information below.
5 months ago, Stacy Esterline
Elementary posting page 1
Elementary posting page 2
The American Red Cross and the VHS National Honor Society will be hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, September 25th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. We would love for parents and community members to join us in our quest to help save lives by donating! Please use the following link to sign up for a time to donate: https://bit.ly/ARCBloodDrive0925
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
District-Wide Picture Day is tomorrow, Monday, September 9. Please be sure to send your child with picture forms and money. All students will be photographed for yearbook and School ID purposes, even if you don't plan to purchase pictures. Smile pretty Vulcans!
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
On Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, Mr Whitney’s Earth and Space Science classes went on a 5-mile hike to experience the Pere Marquette Rail Trail Solar System. Bob Mass and other artists shrunk all objects and distances by a factor of 600 million to give a proportional look at the relative sizes and distances between objects in our solar system. Starting with the Sun in Coleman, Michigan, and ending with Pluto (still not a planet) 5 miles down Route 10. A good time was had and the kids all left with a much more realistic view of our solar system.
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Science field trip
Science field trip
Science field trip
Science field trip
Science field trip
Science field trip
Science field trip
Science field trip
Mrs. Piazza’s MS 1st hour Art class had lots of fun using diffusing paper this morning!
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Check out this week's Vulcan View! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWOHW9Lu-gk
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
August Be A Star Winners! Congratulations to the following middle school students for being caught doing great things! Blake Verbeek (6th) - The teacher who nominated Blake said that he has been helping out a lot in class. He helps take attendance, passes out worksheets, and answers questions when called on. Blake is a joy to have in class. Mitchell Fisher (8th) - The teacher who nominated Mitchell said that he is always willing to help his peers. He takes initiative and is very dependable. Chance Kribs (8th) - Chance is always respectful and kind to those around him. He looks around the room to see if anyone needs help and doesn't hesitate to step up and give a hand. Chance has a wonderful moral compass. He is kind and accepting to all students and stays after to tidy up after his classmates. We would like to recognize these great students! We are proud of them for making good choices and doing great things! A special thank you also to Vassar True Value for sponsoring our monthly Be A Star program program, which allows us to recognize our students for making good choices.
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Be a star
True Value
A big thank you to the Mark Owen Agency! Ms. Raymond was presented with a $1,000 Back to School Grant through the Meemic Foundation. We appreciate the partnerships we have with the businesses in our community and surrounding communities and their commitment to our schools.
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Are you looking to buy Vulcan shirts, hats, jackets, accessories and more? Our Vulcan Den will be at the Varsity Football game tomorrow, Friday, 9/6! Come check out this year's inventory!
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Vulcan Den-Friday football
Attention parents! Picture Day is coming soon! Pictures for students at Central and the 6-12 Building will all be taken on Monday, Sept. 9th. Picture forms were sent home last week, extras are available in the school offices if needed. If you would like to order your child's pictures online go to www.mylifetouch.com and use the following Picture Day ID: 6-12th grade - EVTF43RDD K-5th grade - EVTX3T9SC
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Attention parents! Picture Day is coming soon! Pictures for students at Central and the 6-12 Building will all be taken on Monday, Sept. 9th. Picture forms were sent home last week, extras are available in the school offices if needed. If you would like to order your child's pictures online go to www.mylifetouch.com and use the following Picture Day ID: 6-12th grade - EVTF43RDD K-5th grade - EVTX3T9SC
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
In observance of Labor Day, there will be no school tomorrow or Monday. Students will return to class as usual on Tuesday, September 3. Enjoy your long weekend, and stay safe!
5 months ago, Stacy Esterline
American Flag with Happy Labor day weekend written in white.
Our kitchen staff works so hard every day! We thank them for always providing delicious meals for our students! Today our kitchen was short staffed so we had a little help from our Principal, Ms. Raymond, our Assistant Principal, Mr. Currie, our School Resource Officer, Officer Hammill and our custodian Jenni Porritt! It is great that people are willing to pitch in when needed!
5 months ago, Andrea Legue
Help in the kitchen
Help in the kitchen
Help in the kitchen
Help in the kitchen