Check out this week's Vulcan View!
There will be two double runs tonight the Swan Bus #21-5 and Duck Bus #20-11. Students riding the Swan and Duck buses will be arriving later than normal.
Good Afternoon Vulcan Families!
If you have a student who will be joining us for the summer Vulcan Achieve Camp or Summer School and will need bussing, please contact your school office to request a transportation slip. Slips should be completed and turned in no later than May 28.
There will be a double run on the Swan Bus #21-5 tonight. Students riding the Swan bus will be arriving later than normal.
6-11th grade pictures were handed out today in mentoring class so check with your student if they don't bring them home today. Every student was supposed to have had pictures taken for yearbook and ID purposes, so if you didn't order pictures your child was given a proof and information for ordering if you change your mind.
Online/Virtual and Senior students that had their pictures taken can pick up in the Office between 7:30-4:00.
The Art Show at the Bullard Sanford Public is ready to go!! Through lots of open and shut this year, our resilient students were still able to create a beautiful assortment of Art!
The show is available until 6pm each day and will close Friday at 3pm. If you cannot view the show at the library - the link below will give you a little glimpse. Enjoy!
Food distribution will take place Monday, May 17 from 3:30-5:30 in the 6-12 parking lot. 7 days of breakfast and lunches are available for our non-face to face learners.
Good Evening Vulcans!
All face-to-face students in grades 6-11 will return to the classroom tomorrow Monday, May 17. Seniors will remain virtual as they prepare for graduation. Vassar Busses will resume their normal bus routes beginning tomorrow.
Click on the link below to see if you family meets the qualifications for free internet
SVSU will host a COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccination Clinic for ages 12+ Thursday, May 20. Please see the poster below for more information.
Art Show for 6th-12th Grade is May 18-20 at Bullard Sanford Memorial Library!
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents:
Please have your students check their school emails for information about virtual learning next week and graduation.
Food distribution will take place today Monday, May 10 from 3:30-5:30 in the 6-12 parking lot. 7 days of breakfast and lunches are available for all virtual learners as well as all 6-12 students.
Please see the attached information on Summer School for grades 6-12. Forms can be turned in to the high school office or emailed to Mrs. Whitney at Everyone who signs up will receive a $25 gift card from McDonalds. Forms are due Monday May 17th
VERY IMPORTANT! Just a reminder to ALL 6-12th grade students, when we are sent home to work virtually, both online/virtual and in person students need to make sure you are logging in to your Google Meets each virtual day with your mentoring teacher!
HS - 11:00
MS - 11:30
Please see the letter below regarding the districts decision for all 6-12 students to transition to remote learning beginning today with a return to face-to-face instruction on May 17. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
There will be a double run on the Rhino Bus #20-8 this afternoon for the 12:15 release of 6-12 students. Students riding the Rhino bus will be arriving later than normal.
Attention Vassar Families:
All 6-12 students will be sent home at 12:15 today. Students at the 6-12 building will begin virtual learning today and will return to the classroom on Monday, May 17 due to a positive case and 7 staff members being quarantined by the Tuscola County Health Department. Students at Townsend North and Central Elementary will remain face-to-face at this time and will be dismissed as normal.
Townsend North students will not be getting pictures taken today, if you ordered online, please contact Lifetouch. We apologize for the confusion.
Picture day is tomorrow, May 3rd! If you would like to order online, go to
and use the following ID's for your children's orders.
School Name: Vassar Central School (PK-5th grade)
Picture Day Date: Monday, May 3
Picture Day ID: EVT3NP2KZ
School Name: Vassar Middle School (6th-8th grade)
Picture Day Date: Monday, May 3
Picture Day ID: EVTMGKCM3
School Name: Vassar High School (9th-12th grade)
Picture Day Date: Monday, May 3
Picture Day ID: EVTR2ZTW7