Congratulations to our High School Honor Roll Students!
Congratulations to our Middle School Honor Roll Students!
Hello Vulcan Families!
Due to circumstances outside our control, the Rhino bus will have a few more double runs coming up. Please find a comprehensive list of those dates below. Reminder calls have been set up for all of these dates as well. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and greatly appreciate your understanding and patience.
Nov 8th: PM
Nov 9th: PM
Nov 10th: AM and PM
Nov 13th: AM and PM
Nov 15th: AM and PM
Thank you!
Hello Vulcan Families!
Tomorrow, November 9th, the Rhino bus will have a double run for the PM route. Students who ride the Rhino bus will be dropped off later than normal.
Thank you!
October "Be a Star" Winners!
Congratulations to 11th grade student Emilee Dembowske! She is a member the SADD Club (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and put a great deal of work into organizing an awesome anti-bullying spirit week to help bring awareness to bullying. Great job Emilee!
Congratulations to 7th grade student Gabe Law! Gabe has been caught several times trying to help students make good decisions, without being prompted. Most recently, two students were struggling in the cafeteria and he helped to de-escalate the situation and found a staff member to help intervene. Great job Gabe!
Hello Vulcan Families! We sincerely apologize for the late notice, however, the Rhino bus will have a double run this afternoon, November 8th. Rhino bus students will be dropped off later than normal. Thank you for your patience.
Hello Vulcan Families! Wednesday, November 8th, we will have a double bus run for the Rhino bus in the AM. Rhino bus students will be picked up later than normal.
Thank you!
Parents and guardians: Parent-teacher conferences are happening virtually throughout the month of November. Many of our teachers are reaching out to touch base about the progress of your student in their class. Please check your email that is listed on Skyward for correspondence with your student's teachers. If your email on Skyward is not updated, please reach out to the 6-12 office to update that information.
Hello Vulcan Families! Tuesday, November 7th, we will have a double bus run for the Rhino bus in the PM. Rhino bus students will be dropped off later than normal.
Thank you!
Spread the word to the Senior Citizens in your life! It's a great time!
Check out last week's Vulcan View! Sorry for the delay!
Save the date!
Hello Vulcan Families! Monday, November 6th, we will have a double bus run for the Rhino bus in the AM. Rhino bus students will be picked up later than normal.
Thank you!
Are you interested in purchasing apparel to support Vassar Fine Arts?
The Vassar Fine Arts apparel online store is open! Click on the link below to get your Vassar Fine Arts shirts, hoodies, pants, and hats! The store will close on November 12th, so get your orders in now! Click on the link below or contact Jessica Cull at 989-823-8534.
Larsen Graphics online store
Hello Vulcan Families! Tomorrow, Friday November 3rd, we will be having a double run on the Cat bus for the morning route. Students on the Cat route will be picked up later than normal.
Thank you!
After school tutoring for Middle and High School students is available every day after school in the Media Center from 3:15-4:15. Any student who needs extra help or a place to stay caught up on work is welcome to attend. Transportation will be available, but students must have the transportation form filled out and turned into the office before riding the bus. Contact the MS/HS Office for a transportation form.
Good Evening Vulcan Families! Tomorrow Tuesday, October 31, is a half day for students due to teacher professional development in the afternoon.
Good Evening Vulcan Families; just a reminder that school resumes tomorrow! Make sure your students get to bed early and are on time. We can't wait to welcome students and staff back!
More fun for our families this week!
Reminder: Trunk or Treat Thursday, Oct. 26!